Root Canal Treatment Hyderabad

Root canal treatment, or endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure used to save severely infected or damaged teeth. It involves removing the inner tissue (pulp), cleaning, disinfecting, and filling the empty space with a tooth-like material to relieve pain, preserve the tooth, and restore oral health.

Despite its intimidating name, a root canal is a safe, effective treatment for severe tooth pain and infections. It has a very high success rate and is usually painless. However, like any medical or dental operation, it can occasionally fail, often due to a loose crown, fractured tooth, or new decay. It is important to visit your dentist for a root canal treatment as soon as possible, even if the pain has subsided, to prevent further complications.

The three steps involved in a root canal are as follows:

Local anesthesia: Local anesthesia is injected into the tooth to make it completely numb. This ensures that you won’t feel any pain during the treatment. Some patients may require sedation, as the process can be anxiety-inducing.

Cleaning and shaping the root canals:

The next step in a Root Canal Hyderabad is to clean the tooth’s interior using files and other tools. The dentist then removes any remaining infected pulp, sterilizes and shapes the canals to avoid infection, and fills it with gutta percha, an inert material. The final step is to place a tooth-like filling or crown over the canals.

There are several factors that indicate Root canal treatment Hyderabad the need for a Root Canal Treatment, including extreme pain, discoloration of the tooth, swelling of the gums, and sensitivity to temperature or pressure. The most common sign of a root canal is an infected or dead tooth.

If left untreated, a root canal infection can spread to the surrounding tissues of the jaw and head, resulting in a life-threatening condition called sepsis. It can also spread to the bloodstream, which can lead to organ failure or death. Root canal treatment is one of the most successful dental procedures, with a success rate of more than 95%. It’s an excellent alternative to extraction, and can help keep your natural teeth for a lifetime. However, a failed root canal can cause serious problems and should be addressed immediately by an endodontist. The cost of a root canal can vary from clinic to clinic, and depends on the type of root canal. Consult with the best endodontist to know the exact price for your case. The average cost of a root canal is around 5000 rupees. However, this may vary from clinic to clinic depending on the type of root canal and the number of visits required. You can get a quote from the clinic by booking an appointment online or calling them directly. You can also find out about the other services offered by the clinic, such as dental implants to replace missing teeth and cosmetic dentistry, which is designed to reshape and transform your smile. The team of doctors at the clinic adheres to international standards of sterilization and cross-infection control to ensure patient safety.