A Course in Miracles - What is a Miracle?
A Course in Miracles is one of the most widely studied spiritual texts in the world. Its message is profoundly important, yet it can be easy to get one of its key concepts all wrong.
What is a miracle?
The answer to this question has far-reaching implications for your life and the lives of everyone you meet. It also reveals the ultimate goal of A Course in Miracles.
While the Course uses Christian terminology as symbols, it evokes universal, non-dual spiritual themes, including Eastern spirituality. It is not a religion, but a self-study spiritual thought system. It consists of three books: the Text, which lays out its basic concepts; the Workbook for Students, a series of A course in miracles daily lessons that emphasizes experiential learning; and the Manual for Teachers, which provides answers to common questions.
The Course emphasizes forgiveness as the way to undo the illusion of separation. Its central premise is that God is love, and that the world of reality reflects this truth. The world of illusion, populated by fear, anger and greed, is a misperception of this truth. To see the world as it really is, all you need to do is choose a different thought. A miracle is a new, loving thought that replaces an old, unloving one.